Argentina Hunts

Gold Medal Red Stag Water Buffalo and Blackbuck Package in Argentina

1 x 1 Rifle / Bow / Crossbow - $11,500

2024 / 2025
This is a 5-star hunt for Gold Medal Estate Red Stag and free-range water buffalo and blackbuck. The hunt will take place on an 85,000-acre free-range ranch in Argentina's La Pampa region. Flights will be from Buenos Aires to Santa Rosa followed by a 2-hour road transfer to the 5-star lodge. There are 13 big game species to hunt at this location.

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Gold Medal Trophy Red Stag Hunt

1 x 1 Rifle / Bow / Crossbow - $6,000

2024 / 2025
Hunt for a trophy Gold Medal Red Stag in Argentina. This 85,000-acre ranch in the La Pampa region features a 5-star lodge that has excellent cuisine and some of Argentina's best wines. With 12 big game species to hunt, this will be a hunt to remember!

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Hunt Free-Range Red Stag in Argentina

1 X 1 Rifle - Bow - Crossbow | ONLY $5,850

2024 / 2025
This is a premium hunt for free-range red stag in Argentina's La Pampa region. Hunt on 85,000 acres of free-range ranch that has over 2,000 red stags and 11 other species to hunt. Stay at a 5-star lodge and enjoy Argentina's finest!

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High Volume Wing Shooting in Argentina

Only $1,250 per Hunter

Experience world-class high volume dove hunting in Argentina's Tucamon is the new Cordoba. It is estimated that 50 million doves roost in this region and this outfitter has multitudes of fields that the birds are seeking out. For non-stop action and a great experience, gather up your friends and head south for some high volume dove dhooting at a great price!

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Hunting in Argentina

Argentina is known worldwide as a paradise for hunters. Argentina is the second largest country in South America with 1,073,500 square miles of land.  All this land provides for a wide variety of species and a very large number of game animals. The vast majority of hunters are wing shooters, many of whom come specifically for the high-volume dove shooting. There are so many millions of doves in Argentina that they are considered pests. Cordoba Province is the most well-known area for dove hunting, but there are other areas just as good.

Argentina is THE destination for dove hunting. Let’s take a look at this great sport first, then we will cover big game hunting.


Argentina is dove hunting! The primary dove in Argentina is the eared dove. It’s a resident breeder from Columbia to southern Argentina and Chile in South America. It is a close relative to the North American mourning dove. The eared dove is 9-10 inches long with a long wedge-shaped tail and weighs about 4 ounces. The female dove coloration is duller than the male, and chicks are grayish brown and very dull. Its flight is high, fast, and linear.  It has no specific breeding season, and if food is available, will breed almost continuously.

Argentinian doves provide the last large-bag hunting experience in the world. Their population is estimated to be as high as 23 million in the fields around Cordoba in northern Argentina. Some estimates put the population as high as 32 million. Whichever is true, there are a lot of doves in Argentina. It’s not unknown for a single hunter to shoot 1,000 doves in one day. A few years ago, a team of guns took over 4,700 birds in one day. 

Cordoba Province is the most famous destination for high-volume dove shooting, but there are many other regions that have excellent wing shooting. Waterfowl and upland birds are plentiful in many areas and provide excellent mixed-bag wing shooting. Most hunters choose either wingshooting or big game hunting as they take place in different areas. However, combo hunts are available.

The hunting season is year-round, and for a very good reason. In the United States, doves are considered migratory species and there are strict regulations as to bag limits per day. In Cordoba, the River Parana has turned into the migratory route for birds, making it the natural habitat for doves.

In Cordoba, dove hunting and hunters are seen in a very different light than in the US. Hunters are very important in protecting crops from birds. If uncontrolled, doves could easily consume as much as 30% of all the local grain crops. Hunting plays an integral part in controlling the rapidly-growing numbers of migratory birds.

Dove populations on the big sporting estates of Argentina are staying stable, with the birds breeding four times a year, and thriving on the vast areas of grain – some of which is grown solely for their benefit. There are dozens of luxury lodges that specialize in dove hunting during the year-long season.

Most lodges offer ground transportation from the nearby airport of Cordoba, which is roughly 435 miles northwest of Buenos Aires.

Five-star lodging is normally double occupancy, and for all meals, and wine (for which Argentina is famous), beer and liquor are provided.

The lodge also will procure all the necessary hunting licenses.

Guns are available for rental, with the typical shotgun being a Beretta Urika, Benelli Breda semi-automatic, or over-under guns.  Some lodges will include up to 1,000 shells.

Argentina Big Game Hunts

Red Stag

Argentina is famous for its red stag hunting and attracts hunters from all over the world. Red stags were originally introduced into Patagonia in the foothills of the Andes, and La Pampa Province over 100 years ago. Numerous other big game species also provide exceptional hunting opportunities. Some of the better-known hunting areas include; La Pampa Province, Entre Rios Provence, Corrientes, Neuquen, Rio Negro, and Buenos Aires.

The Patagonia region of Argentina is home to the largest free-range stags in the world. Patagonia is a geographic region in the southernmost portion of South America. The very extensive Patagonian region of Argentina is well-known for its diverse landscape, which includes lakes, glaciers, rolling hills, mountains, desert, rivers, a coastline touching three oceans, and many different species of flora and fauna.

Water Buffalo

Water buffalo hunting is an adrenaline-filled experience that any dangerous game hunter would cherish. Corrientes, a province in northern Argentina, and La Pampa Province, just over one hour’s flying time from Buenos Aires, are considered to be the two best areas to hunt water buffalo. They are an introduced species, having been brought to Argentina a century ago. With a body weight of over 2,000 pounds, and a disposition similar to an African Cape Buffalo, Argentinian buffalo hunting is not for the faint-hearted. Water buffalo hunting is becoming more popular with dangerous game hunters. They can be hunted year-round, sometimes in conjunction with wingshooting.

Species and Seasons – Big Game





Red stag

March 1

Aug 31

No limit


Jan 1

Dec 31

2/day per hunter


Jan 1

Aug 31

2/day per hunter


Jan 1

Dec 31

1 adult/season


Jan 1

Dec 31

No limit

Fallow deer

March 1

Aug 31

No limit

Axis deer

Jan 1

Dec 31

No limit


Jan 1

Dec 31

No limit

Multi-horn ram

Jan 1

Dec 31

No limit

Wild goat

Jan 1

Dec 31

No limit

Water buffalo

Jan 1

Dec 31

No limit

Brockett deer

May 1

Aug 31



May 1

Aug 31


Hybrid sheep

Jan 1

Dec 31

No limit


After the Hunt

It’s important to note that most indigenous species in Argentina, such as puma, peccary, and brocket deer can be legally hunted in many provinces but cannot be exported. Introduced species like red stag can be exported with proper permits. Your outfitter can arrange to have your trophies shipped to a taxidermist to prepare them for shipping and export.


In general, Argentina has four main climate types: warm, moderate, arid, and cold; all determined by altitude and latitude. Generally speaking, it is subtropical in the north to the arctic in the south. Mean average temperatures range from 41 degrees in the far south down by Cape Horn, to 77 degrees in the north near Bolivia. 

Importing Firearms

Gun import regulations have been changing over the last few years. This tends to cause some problems for hunters.  Hunters bringing bolt action rifles or non-semiautomatic shotguns have to fill out their applications before entering the country. The import permit can be acquired when entering the country. To import a semi-automatic firearm, the hunter must apply for a temporary import permit at the nearest Argentine Consulate. This must be done in person. Be sure to check with your outfitter at least three months before you go for the most recent changes. More and more hunters are now renting firearms from their outfitter to avoid the problems of bringing a firearm into Argentina.  Many outfitters have excellent firearms with good optics to rent; just ask your outfitter.


Many lodges in Argentina are four or five-star, with excellent lomo (tenderloin), and world-class wines. The midday barbeque is a standard feature at most lodges. The country is quite colorful with gauchos on horseback, villagers riding in horse-drawn carts and friendly folk enjoying a gourd of mate – a caffeine-rich infused drink.


Forgot to tell you thanks for the awesome New Zealand hunt! Definitely one of my favorite international hunting trips I’ve been on. Top notch! Thanks again John!


Jarod Scroggins

New Zealand

October, 2024